So, right before the Pandemic really started, I found out I was being offered a job across the country. But, there were some things that needed to be accomplished before starting the job, and then of course the Pandemic meant that moving anywhere, let alone from the PNW to NoVA, wasn't going to happen.
Fast forward to now, when I have a start date for my new job, and the plans are coming together for my move to my new home.
When I came from Texas to the PNW in 2016, it was to live and work at Holden Village, a place I fell in love with when I was 7. Then I got a job that moved me to Tacoma in 2018. I love it here. I love my apartment, my neighborhood, the art scene, the view from my windows, the laid back vibe, the bars, the restaurants, the mountains, the Sound. . . everything except maybe a couple of things about the weather and the sunrise/sunset times. ;). It's going to be difficult to leave. But life is all about change and taking risks, right?
I started this business officially here, with the intent of really focusing on the PNW in my art for a while. Maybe I still will a little after I move? Nostalgia and all. But I think I'll probably be so swept away by being in the DC metro area that my art will sway in that direction. We shall see! I also am very aware that with the new job and all that it entails, I'll have less time to make and sell art. :(.
Anyway, I'm organizing and packing. And it would be easier to move with less stuff, so I made a Moving Sale. 20% off with the code "Moving Sale." Then there will be a time when I won't be able to fill any orders, because everything will be boxed and on a moving truck. I'll be sure to update my website accordingly.
In the meantime, I'm trying to enjoy Tacoma and the Pacific Northwest as much as I possibly can before I leave. Such a bizarre time to be uprooting! But on to my next adventure.